143. Three semi precious stone’s party necklace




Labradorite,rainbow moonstone and prehnite with sterling silver wire wrapping in 14mm ring

18 inch long sterling silver chain

?The Labradorite crystal healing properties are linked with the crown chakra, the energy center that governs spiritual expansion and higher levels of the mind and spirit. If you’re looking to expand your mind and increase your spiritual growth, the Labradorite crystal meaning can connect you to higher realms of consciousness.

?Prehnite is considered a stone of unconditional love and the crystal to heal the healer. It enhances precognition and inner knowing. … Prehnite alleviates nightmares, phobias and deep fears, uncovering and healing the dis-ease that creates them. It is a stone for dreaming and remembering.

?Rainbow moonstone is thought to bring balance, harmony and hope while enhancing creativity, compassion, endurance and inner confidence.